Morgan Smith

Marketing Automation Analyst

Morgan is an enthusiastic marketer whose passion for uncovering high-value keywords is matched only by her zeal for cultivating new professional skills.

In her role as Marketing Automation Analyst, she supports our strategy team by conducting research, analyzing data, assisting with marketing automation efforts and identifying new opportunities to help our clients succeed.

10 Random Things
  • Starbucks iced coffee is the best! Starbucks > Dunkin, don’t @ me.
  • I’m a dog mom to 2 labs. Briar is charcoal and Hayes is silver; a father-son duo.
  • I love spicy foods and I put sriracha on everything!
  • I’m terrified of frogs.
  • I love to travel and one of my favorite places to visit is Hawaii.
  • I’ve never broken a bone.
  • I enjoy red wine and trying new restaurants.
  • One of my biggest fears is having food stuck in my teeth and no one telling me it’s there.
  • I’m not a fan of any kind of cheesecake or pie, especially with warm fruit in it.
  • I was valedictorian in my master’s program.