Fran Rowe

Sr. Graphic Designer

Part of the CNP team since 2004, Fran is a graphic designer with nearly 40 years of experience making picture-perfect layouts and moving jobs along at lightning speed.

Detail-oriented and insanely precise, Fran has photoshop skills that will knock your socks off (and if they don’t, she’ll just clone-stamp those ankle argyles out). Affectionately referred to as “a machine” by her coworkers, Fran’s wizard-like ability to rapidly transform one design into unlimited shapes and sizes is appreciated by all—especially our clients. Proof that she does what she loves: A lifelong supporter of the Florida folk scene, Fran has been lending her design chops to the Will McLean Festival for 20+ years.

10 Random Things
  • I have two sons and two matching grandsons.
  • I grew up on a little lake in central Florida. Swimming was an everyday activity during the summer. When we got to the lake the first thing in the morning, one of us would swim out to the floating dock and jump up and down on it to scare the moccasins and gators away.
  • I learned to play poker from an Alabama police detective riding in the back of a bus while traveling through Europe.
  • My first serious boyfriend’s nickname was Possum.
  • I’ve been involved with Florida folk music for almost 20 years as a professional audience member.
  • I once traveled 597 miles to go to a little music festival (held in a guy’s backyard) to see my favorite band.
  • I am a “Fredhead” – (Eaglesmith, that is).
  • There is no where on earth I’d rather spend time than at a particular little river in north central Florida watching for the otters to swim past and waiting for the hawk or eagle to make his appearance for the day.
  • I have a rock that’s always with me whose name is Portal Wagner.
  • My motto at this stage in my life is, “Let the mystery be.”