1. Truth Rules

In the work we create on behalf of our clients, in all of our business practices and within our agency, we will be transparent, clear and upfront. We will disclose any biases, self-interests or business relationships that might cloud our ability to offer our best counsel. We will stand up for what’s right and not be willing to compromise our ethics and values.

2. Honor Promises

Whether it’s a verbal agreement, a written contract or something in between – our word is our bond. We do not enter into agreements lightly but when we do, we honor them, even at the agency’s detriment. This is true for all our relationships – client, employee, vendor, community partner or professional colleague.

3. Unconditionally Hold Confidences

In our line of work, clients, employees and consumers confide in us and trust that we will protect that information. We honor that trust and protect those confidences unless it would be illegal or immoral to do so. We hold our employees to this same standard. Breaching a client’s confidence is inexcusable.

4. Lifelong Learning

The advertising business is constantly reinventing itself as our culture shifts and technology evolves. In the best interest of our clients, our employees, our agency and our industry – we must always be well informed, abreast of current business practices, cultural norms and emerging trends related to ours and our clients’ industries.

5. Financially Responsible

Our clients count on us to stay in business and to spend their money as we told them we would. Our employees rely on the agency’s stability to provide them with a regular paycheck and fulfilling career experience. We will operate our agency in a financially responsible manner.

6. Pick of the Litter

We will be employers of choice. The level of talent we attract influences our clients’ success. To find and keep the most creative and strategic thinkers, we will be a collaborative, vibrant and energizing place to work.

7. Do Unto Others

The Golden Rule. We will care for our clients’ organizations as if they were our own. We think of ourselves as an extension of their staff. There is no greater measure of the success for an agency than the success of our clients. If we work hard on their behalf as we do for our own agency, the relationship will serve and celebrate us both.

8. Make You the World

“Make you the world a bit better or more beautiful because you have lived in it.” – Edward Bok (1929)

We have a unique opportunity to help shape our communities and our profession. We will share our time and talents generously as a gesture of gratitude for our good fortune and our understanding that our impact should be bigger than just the work. Using our talents for a shared greater good and encouraging our colleagues and clients to do the same is a legacy far longer lasting than any ad campaign.