Everything you need to take your marketing to the next level… and maybe the one above that.  Grit, smarts, motivation, and dumb-luck not included.

Build a Killer Website

SquareSpace (everything you need to build a slick site. no code required.)
Shopify (build an online store. no code required.)
WordPress (robust and full-featured sites. some code & web chops will help.)
Team Treehouse (learn to build and run a site like a pro)

Search Engine Optimization

How Search Works (Google)
Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide (Google)
Beginner’s Guide to SEO (Moz)
Team Treehouse (learn basic SEO and the coding skills to implement it)

PR & Events

QR Code Generator (the name says it all)

Email Marketing

MailChimp (low-cost, high-quality email marketing platform)
Learn Email Marketing (MailChimp)

Social Media

Beginner’s Guide to Social Media (Moz)
Pay  with a Tweet (“tweet gate” your offers and content)